Thursday, March 26, 2015

Artful Grace Within Confusion


To art is to create with the flowing wild hair of nature. The studio is safe harbor for the different, unusual, odd, unknown, as well as the same, the usual, the known. It is in the studio that the alchemy happens, the mix occurs, and from the mixing of elements the confusion lifts and the light appears.

The appearance of light in an artful life happens when what was thought of one way, is allowed to become another way. Particle and wave at the same moment. Light was thought to be one or the other. It is now seen to be both. 

Our time as artists can be very confusing, trying, difficult to understand, yet we continue to enter the studio and allow ourselves to be present. Just present. And then, just present again. And what we find happening is a lifting, and elevation, into a deeper dive beneath surface to depth. Confusion is usually next to understanding, understanding next to allowing, allowing next to presence, presence next to light, light next to the numinous expression of wild.

Out of the wildness of the universe, we are. Art is the creative act of being, and being within the breath of light is where we are in the center of our studio, arting in a language beyond the limits we were taught in. Art is a grace within the confusion of seeing differently.

Hope this day finds you next to understanding, and being in a new body of art.

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