Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Light Finds A Way to Make Us Comfortable


Light is such a mystery, and when we allow it to fill our emotions, the studio moves forward.

Spring is a time of changing light, changing rhythms, changing movement. As we embrace the artistry of the Soul and allow it to show us the gifts of the organic nature we are, and are within, then we come into a rhythm of bliss and gratitude.

Stepping back from limitations allows for more room to enter, and when room enters a room, the creative mystery can expand and grow. The visible mystery is the numinous expression of light given room to Be.

As artists, we enter the studio on the breath of Intention, we open our doors, and look. We see what is to be seen, we see the gift of it, and we create with the magic in hand. We allow the magic to grow, expand, and become more. As we allow it to become more, we become more.

Being able to look in a lighted way drops away the fear of something new, or different, or that familiar, seen in a new way. We come into the studio and allow the art within us to grow bigger. To be seen more alive than ever before, so that it can unlock the portals to new spaces.

Organic natural light within the studio begins with a deep breath, so that what can enter enters.
The magic that occurs happens because limitations are cast aside. Stepping back from fear, judgment, and those limits, creates a space where magic can rise up and be used to transform. 

Art is this rhythm, a visual drum, that when given safe haven, can resonate at the deepest levels. The beat of the visual can open you up to new levels of yourself, and this is where art heals us all.

Hope this day finds you able to be lighted by a different drum. Watch as the magic comes to your aid.

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