Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Art of Floating

January 25

The art of floating. It happens, frequently. Floating is allowing the muse to inform you. You have to trust to be informed by the muse.

We are floating in a world of color, line, shape, and texture, and we allow ourselves to be in it. To be in it requires a dive. You cannot be in it and on the surface of things only. You must dive into it to be in it.

Floating is being artful to your life, no matter what is going on, what is happening, what sounds are taking place. Floating is not not being present. Floating is being more than present.

Floating allows you the presence of mind to become more than aware of present circumstance, it allows you to integrate the depth of presence. All dimensions of it.

We float in a sea of compassion, of creativity, of nurturance by all that Mother's us. We are within the Mother and she feeds us the food of our soul's need.

Art is deeper than the surface of things. It is more than canvas, it is more than paper, it is more than ink and paint, it is the language beneath your daily outer world.

We step beyond all that when we step into our studio and breathe. The outer world cannot fit through its doors, because it measures all things with its purse of limitation.

You float through the door of your own belonging, like a fine Chagall, and you move beyond any limitational  thought.

This is such a healing force, it lives beneath the surface of things and floats there, waiting for you to become aware of the unlimited nature of all things.

Hope this day finds you floating free of limitational thoughts, and sharing the new ideas that float out of your mouth.

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