Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Snow of Art

January 27

Here in the Northeast of USA, we are being snowed upon.
24 inches of snow today and another 8 inches due on Friday.

How does that be arting? Art happens anywhere and all the time, if you let it. It uses snow as a background, a middle ground, and a foreground.

Snow to art is like a canvas to paint. Paper to pen. Whiteness.

Whitenesses bring freshness, clean new places, a new breath.
When we are in the art of arting, we have entered the studio within ourselves and are able to see differently.

You can be in a room with all kinds of white-noise, subtle, not-so subtle, tucked in a corner, or taking up the entire room. Doesn't matter. Because when you art, when you studio, you go inside yourself, and breathe a fresh snowness that is beyond the current weather.

Hope your day finds you able to find a breath of freshness, no matter how snowed under things may appear.

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