Saturday, January 24, 2015

Hello Again Artfulness

January 24

Daniel and Lilly

Hello again. Artfulness comes in so very many ways. 
This past week has been one of travel, over 64 hours by bus altogether, and a healing visit to our son in the Fraizer Rehab Center.

Daniel is doing remarkably well in his recovery, in a week's time he has gone from tube feeding to being able to feed himself, from a wheelchair at all times, from uncoordinated to coordinated, to being able to walk with light assistance, from scribbling to writing, from a trac to talking from confusion to understanding. He has advanced very quickly and the therapists and doctor are amazed at the speed with which he is recovering. Throughout the entire process we were able to continuously give him healing patterns to assist in his recovery.

We were able to use the healing patterns and help Daniel return to language. He was able to understand the deeper and spoke of the wisdom the words carried that went with the patterns. He was able to indicate that to us of his gratefulness that we were helping in this way. A friend of ours said we were helping to mid-wife him back to language. He assimilated the patterns easily and they helped him to reconnect to his mental and physical processes.

It has been a remarkable journey for Daniel and all who witness his strength of will and determination. There is an art to living and we see the thread of creative light in all that Daniel is reaching for.

It has been a week of compassion, prayer, support, and creative healing that we witnessed and were part of.

Thank you all for your concern, prayers, compassion, and well wishes, they each create a web of healing that sustains the way to wholeness.

Within this time, not only were we able to be with Daniel and Lilly, we were there for visits from our children and grand-children.

And thank you for your understanding in our lack of posts while we were away. 

Art has a way of being different every day. We remain open to its presence in our lives.

Hope this day finds you connected to your creative source, and that you are able to recover your own sense of creative well being.

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