Thursday, October 09, 2014

The Art of Arting

October 9


The art of arting is one of listening. Listening to the inner rather than the outer, when the inner is a sound of compassion and love.

The embrace of arting is one of self-reliance, commitment, and the deep dive.

A canvas is more than a surface, a piece of paper is more than a surface, the vision sees that, and dives through the illusion, and enters the imaginal realm.

The imaginal realm is not unreal, it is simply invisible to the limitational measurement of static.

Today we breathe in the original breath of ourselves, because, even though repeated, it is there renewed to our need for air. The day is repeated, so that we feel change happening, we feel the pattern unfolding itself so that we come to know it as a gift.

When we are in the studio of ourselves, we enter deeper into who we are being, and we become more than we were before.

We become the art of ourselves, when we paint and write the words and images of our creating. We create the world we live in by lighting our own way, with the light that is given to us.

The more we travel deeper, the more we are given, The more we are given, the more we share, because we have sharing as our intention.

Art is intention, the color of intention, the line of intention, the shape of intention. All come to be lighted with a compassion that loves being.

We create so beingness can happen, so beingness is seen, so what wasn't seen becomes visible, if it needs to be, and invisible if it can be just that.

When you see art, its value is not on the surface, it is is throughout its entire self.

To art is to listen, and to be available to the sound of creativity unfolding its wings in front of you.

Hope this day finds you in an artful way, listening the the arting of sound filling your head with newness.


Kristina said...

Being in the "studio of ourselves" makes me feel the rooted connection of being in the Place of Real, which are all such excitingly rich concepts!! I just love how you animate the word "studio" and how we can climb and dive deeply into that Beingness with our creativity wherever we go. Thank you! 😀

Clarity said...

Thank, Kristina!!


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