Wednesday, October 08, 2014


October 8

The patterning of life is so visible in a way of listening.
Art can only be seen through listening to the invisible.

The pattern of art unfolds from the inside out, and those that have dived below the surface of things, bring up the deepest treasures.

When you are willing to make the dive, you leave the surface life behind, and journey.

The studio is a journey, we dive into the studio and find ourselves listening to a depth of our own vision given to us by the self that it is. 

We meet the vision, we come to know the vision, we become companions to one another, we connect in a ring of light and memory.

Wherever we go we have this journey with us. As we work on a show, a new body of work, we carry the vision with us, we are living in the journey, and we are listening the entire time.

Patterns make themselves visible to us, their numbers, letters, and shapes. We see them as we talk to you, we see them as we walk across the street, we see them while we watch a movie, we see them move across buildings, cars, and people's faces.

Within the depth of art patterning, there is the great good gift of seeing the invisible show itself, as it travels across and between the inner and outer eyes.

We are at home in this patterned inner world, because it leads to the patterned surface, which is not the same as the flat world of scaled limit and measure. There is a new world that has unfolded through the light of visioning. 

No demand, no supposed to, no have to, just being Is-ness. The patterns come into a field of vision free from the flattening. 
Take a breath and the body rounds itself, take a breath and ask to see more than you ever imagined.

Hope this day finds you Is-ing. To Is, is to be available to your own self and able to hear the patterns speaking to you from the inside.

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