Sunday, November 30, 2014

Seasonal Art

November 29

Seasonal art happens all year long, and expands the year into quarters. It's amazing, but it happens.

Depending on whether you feel longish or shortish in your hours of time in the day, and where the moon is, considering your standing position when you first wake up, compared to where you were when you last sat down beneath a tree next to a flowing river, is where you possibly could be in relation to the deep mystery of the universe. And where you are on the globe.

Art can be so intensely silly, and seriously funny, that in order for you to season yourself properly, you must be able to become salt of the earth.

The studio within you is spiced by your passion, your interest, and your intention.

Within this all year season,  within the intensity of creating is the benefit of forgetting to worry. 

It is the season to artfully forget to worry.

Hope this day finds you forgetting, and picking up your art thoughts instead.

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