Monday, October 27, 2014

How Art Gets

October 27

How art gets is a wonderful mystery. We know how you get art, you either make it yourself, or you buy it from someone who has made it.

But how art gets is such an adventure, and the adventure only begins from a studio. Today studio is: stew [to cook, to brew],
d [do] i [it]...with the result of O! 

Studio, what a word. Art gets, by you getting art. And you get art by intending your need for it in your life.

The O! of art is that wondrous moment when you see what you see, instead of just looking.

Today the studio is mobile, it follows us around wherever we go, it is a writing studio today. It is electronic today, it is living inside the computer, and it is conscious of us wanting to connect and weave more of the sounds we hear into the words we can all read.

Art gets us, and we are gotten by art, it is always a flowing back-and-forth.

We listen to our words, recorded into MP3's, and we are fed by the paintings they are. 

They are available for you here: Find the Books & Publishing Tab, click it, then just find a book you'd like to be inspired by, click the listed page it is on. There you have it. The audio is next to the book, or right beneath it.

Hope today finds you gotten by art, and perhaps time enough to listen to our work via our website. It's free and available for you.




videoqueen said...

Lately my studio has been the Sebring (sea breeze, as she prefers) or the front porch...both have given me moments to research my needs and in what order! I am grateful!!

Clarity said...

Wonderful to have a place to be and a safe place to see.


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