Sunday, October 26, 2014

Daylight Art and Not Daylight Art

October 26

Daylight art is morning, to noon-ish, to late afternoon, to dusk art, and it is noticeable because you can see it with your physical eyes.

Then there's the other art, the art that enters through the back of your eyeballs and gives you glimpses of another kind of art, art that can even be seen in low-light situations, or no light situations.

This is historically called not daylight art. Not daylight art is all the more interesting, because it is not limited to time and space. It could be anywhere, which is the point and it travels light.

If you want a packed to the brim studio, try your hand at not daylight art. You can carry the contents of its form, shape, mass, and availability everywhere. Everywhere and anywhere are very close cousins, and  oddly enough they equally like daylight art, every bit as much as they like not daylight art. Neither of them are into judgement. 

Which is what you have to be if you're going to get anywhere at all with your own creativity.

Lit from within is a style of art that only happens if you're willing to travel inside yourself, and if you are, don't forget to take your nerve coat with you. "He's got his nerve, or she's got her nerve", is a phrase you may run into, if you travel in that direction very often.

It can't be helped, because even though most people are familiar with daylight art, there still exists not daylight art. It doesn't mean its dark, there's plenty of light in there to be had, it's just that, because so many are not used to going where you go, they don't have the eyes for it. Yet.

Hope this day finds you spelunking inside the light of your own art world. Take your nerve coat with you, and you'll be fine.

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