Saturday, October 11, 2014

Early Art

Oct 11

Early art starts the minute you get up, and continues until late art happens around 9 or 10 pm.

This art is what is inside your breath, it is what you sense inside yourself, that wants to come out and be with you, visibly.

Artists aren't these singular separate things in the culture, they are the fabric of what new is about. 

We will create whether there is a place to show our work, a place to sell our work, whether there is anyone willing to help support the work, because it is a relationship already happening.

New is the relationship already established. It happens from the inside out, not the outside in. 

Animate your life beyond the static. Up early, before the chatter of the world demands your attention, you can more easily hear yourself, and not get caught up in a repeating pattern of distraction.

Early art happened before there was a was, early art happened during the moments of is being.

Simple enough to do early art. Get up early.

The light that you're looking for is there, where the new horizon stands into a vertical resonance, and you can see clearly a new perspective.

Read our book, "Kalachakra Body", and know more about the relationship to light and awareness. The combination of art and word is balanced within it, and it will nurture your creative self into opening more fully into its own well-being.

Art is an early sacred practice, rise up to meet it, and you will meet yourself.

Hope this day finds you yawning into a new breath, and early to your own new art of being you.


Unknown said...

simple ain't necessarily easy!

Sometimes it takes more than I have to rise to the challenge of the early day...but I think when I have, I have never been disappointed...even if I do a rerun mid-morning...guess I need to remember that!

Clarity said...

Thank you, Lyn, for your commenting!


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