Saturday, October 17, 2015

Light Falls

Light falls upon us, and depending on how we are willing to receive it, it can pour into us, or it can glance away from us, knowing we aren't ready to be available.

We have intended our life to be always available, it has its challenges, not within us, but when you feel the outer world's press to be available to it's sounds. Light is always wonderful for us, even in the unknown of it. We have come to trust it completely.

Light falls upon us gently, and the only time it doesn't feel that way, is when we are not within ourselves  wholly.

The art moves forward, the Light falls upon the surface of our work, we receive the gifts it gives, and we share it to those willing to receive it.

Hope this day finds you within the Light that shines for you.

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Vilhelm man said...
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