Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Autumn Light

Coming into the full autumn movement, the light changes, becomes uneclipsed from the heat of summer, and moves into the harvest of our becoming what carries the light through the remaining seasons.

Once again our studio doors open to the mystery, the wild nature of the unkempt, unmanaged, unclipped. We become the wild hare of Nature's unbounded nature.

As we move deeper into the mystery of our own creative natures, we bring patterns forward that match the needs deep underground, the unfettered nature of nature.

We are always surprised when the light appears, it is a new day, a day as yet unclipped, a day unbound by convention, rule, and order. This is where the mystery has room to unfold, where the mystic meets the current of current and connects the body and spirit into recognition without the demands to understand.

We are in our deepest creativity at this time of year, and to feel safe, protected, and in a safe harbor, we stay close to those who are aware of our journey, as we travel.

In the traveling, we are vulnerable, because we allow the unknown to move through us, beside us, beneath us, above us, inside us, and around us. We allow the energy to move, to run, and we do not judge its path. We know we are in the presence of Light, and we let it bathe us in its pure intention.
We feel the judgements of this kind of nature, but we receive the patterns through the relationship of trust we have nurtured within us and the relationship with Spirit we have been gifted with.

Hope this day finds you in a mysterious place of the Light shining again in your direction of receiving.

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