Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bright Light on a Rainy Day

There is such a bright burning light on a rainy day, the light of rain drops coming to us at such an accelerated rate. Each drop a gift beyond measure.

And so it is in the studio. You enter into such an accelerated rate, a new light speed, that you become available to light as a new opening into yourself.

We have been working on the little studio behind our house, once a one car garage, a small car, a car made in 1900. So we have made it into our studio, now called The White Rose Cottage, and we feel more elegant than being in a garage.

Our art comes out of movement, so the studio's history is fitting.

The rain today is filled with its own brightness, the sky is a light powder grey, and we are soaked with the feeling of water. Water color, water emotion, water sight. Swimming in water.

It is a bright day to be with art. Hope your day finds you in your own brightness.

We are taking the grand-children out for art time at the cafe, what a brightness that will be.

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