Thursday, February 26, 2015

Light As It Appears


When you open yourself; the door to your studio open, the breath open, the judgement and criticism cast aside as the embarrassment they are, then you can see clearly when the light appears.

It can appear when you are dreaming in your sleep, it can appear when you are wide awake, it can appear in the twilight, that in-between state as you leave one world for another.

When you take a breath in the presence of light, you take in the sight you were present for, the studio expands and you expand with it. Your creative energy begins to flow more easily. 

The desire to see brought the light, the need brought the space that intersects, and the want brought you forward into your own creativity.

Light is there to illuminate, to fulfill the moment in its presence beyond limitation. This is the numinous state of creativity, this is when you know your body is part of the equation, the numbers unfolding their patterns of in sight.

As artists, we look to these moments, as they are markers of initiation into an ever expanding level of unlimitedness. We are in the space of a new level of our work. It is a meditation to see all that is there for us to work with. We make ourselves vulnerable, our studio door stands open late into the night, we create an atmosphere in the in-between. We are raw to right action, the numbers quicken the rise, so the understood can become strong. The stretch of purpose makes itself visible, to feel reality, the generosity of the night comes forward. The velocity of timing comes forward for the face to see.

The gaze creates an entry into the door of dreams, the sight is fully understood, and internal ecstasy becomes more sacred. We travel, the volume of life relaxes into the pose of creative expression. Art, the ancient wisdom, connects in the perspective, as the memory sees the gift that sight gives.

All is woven into the center, in the making of a visionary experience. The sacred comes ready for the soul. 

Art is a mystery, one where time does not collide with space. We move forward, we grab our magic wand and wave it around, creating something new from something old, creating something new from something never before seen, creating something that has been seen before, but now in a whole new light. The sight is unlocked.

Thanks goes to Su.Sane, for the "SIRIUS MYSTERIES". Many phrases from her book were woven into today's writing, as they entered into sharing, from her deep sacred writing. They fit with what is unfolding, bringing deeper understanding to the mystery of things. Allow the light and magic a place to be, a safe haven that reaches all the way back to the stars.

Hope this day finds you able to see beyond the limits, into a new space, and that you are able to embrace this for yourself.


videoqueen said...

I love creating a safe haven for light and love to be....I feel that is what our community has committed to and finds great successes everyday!

Clarity said...

Thank you, Sandra, for your work with this. It is filled with mystery, we are so grateful to you for the safe haven created for our love and light to Be.
We reach into the Void and trust with all our heart.


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