Friday, January 30, 2015

Art That Moves Into Place

January 30

Art that moves into place is art that appears in front of you and allows you to come to it.

Art is always there, like sky and water, trees and land. But a lot of art is invisible to many people.

If your eye is trained to primarily land upon the surface of things, then that is how you will see. If you have somehow been able to see beyond the surface of things, and go deeper into the feeling what what it is you are seeing, then you are able to see the richness of a wider field of vision.

Art speaks from the inside out, so your ears have to have been able to go beyond the surface noise, and reach into the resonance of what you see.

All ideas are invisible, their origination, even more so. Yet all of life uses the invisible to build from. So to hear, see, smell, feel, taste, and touch, the invisible is a very organic natural thing to do.

Art that moves into place is art that is alive in the invisible realm of total existence.

Hope your day finds you in touch with your invisible ideas, a day that shares what you hear first from the inside of yourself.


meetingbrook said...

al thought
visible i-
side you-
r self
t a ro-

Clarity said...

Truly. What meets the eyes isn't always.
Robot not.

Gabrielle's Sound said...

We loved how this blog made us feel! Thank you for helping us to expand and widen our creative vision


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