Saturday, December 27, 2014

Art Opens the Way

December 27

Art opens the way, as we continue to listen deeply and hear our own prayers. To hear your own prayers sound out into the ethers, to be aware of this entry into the mystery, into the invisible.

We take out our paints, our color, line, shape, and texture through our words. We paint the canvas of the mystery with our words, our prayers, they bring the creative healing in from the ethers and advance the wholeness, the sweetness, the gentle embrace, all goes around our son in a great weaving.

This is what we can do, there is no distance in the desire to heal, to pray, to love. 

We thank you for your creative prayers, your sound into the air, the mysterious world around us, and we are grateful that these wing their way to our son Daniel.

Hope this day finds you inside the sound of your own prayers, and that they go out to heal those that are in need.


Gabrielle's said...

Thank you Robert for these insights and awareness into the mystery

Clarity said...

Thank you, Gabrielle.


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