Saturday, December 27, 2014

Art at Night

December 27

Art happens at night all the time, it's being awake for it that's the thing. This night we're awake thinking about our son, Daniel, and his sweetheart, Lilly, and all the possibilities stretching out before them.

Your prayers and well-wishes are strong and powerful and healing, and filled with the artfulness.
Thank you.

In the middle of the night sometimes art wakes you to be in touch with the deep pulse and rhythm that sustains us all. We are awake to it, and we are listening, and we are sending our prayers for Danial and Lilly.

We are awake to this night. We are in the mystery of it all, and we are listening.

Hope your day finds you awake to it, no matter what time it is.


videoqueen said...

When I awake in the middle of the nite....I think I fear creativity coming into my mind...fear of no sleep! But I have found these nites since Daniel's accident that giving my mind to his healing lulls me back into a peaceful repose. I must find how to calm my mind, for I want NO more accidents to find my way.

Clarity said...

Catching up with comments. Thank you ,Sandra.


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