Friday, November 07, 2014

Coming and Going Art

November 7

Coming and going always happens in art. Art never sits still, it has too much of the child in it to be static.

Like the day, of each new one, there is always a fresh look to the arting that arts itself into your life. A day comes and goes, breakfast comes and goes, staying in or going out comes and goes, the seasons come and go, so why would not art be coming and going.

Don't get lost in the going, the coming back always shows up, like the sunrise.

The studio's door opens and closes, the paintings get painted, but sometimes not. Sometimes there's something else wanting. Sometimes the writing wants to be created, or the photography wants to be involved in what's happening.

Let all the various avenues of creativity have a chance to be with you. If you let them, they'll talk you into such conversations, that you'll be laughing and having the best time, even in a day that is coming and going.

We are fortunate to be artists, with days that are filled to over-flowing with ideas, projects, and adventures that spill out onto canvas, paper, and into our photography. 

We let the creative go where it wants to go, and in doing so, it comes to what it comes to, it arrives where it arrives. Organic.

Coming and going is organic, like breath, and for us, so too is our art. Our art arts all the time, and yours will too, if you let it. 

Breathe. Now take that other one, the deeper one, the one that takes you to your inner studio. The breath comes and goes, like the ocean you are inside.

The art of who you are is on the inside. We all know that. So let the whirled outside of you know that. Create something that that is bigger to you than it is, and watch it shrink to smaller than its puffed up self thinks it is.

Hope this day finds you in the bigger world of your Self, and breathing in the deeper breath of coming and going.

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