Wednesday, October 15, 2014

We Are Changed

October  15

We are changed by the illuminating light of our own creativity, and "the alchemy brings us to our own alchemical yield", from our book, "A Fragile Language".

When you yield to the expansion light is giving to you, you enter a new phase of yourself. You relax into the new you, and do not feel foreign to your own matter.

The studio is filled to over-flowing with matter, it yields up its treasures as we are willing to look and see what presents itself to our sight.

To catch sight of what you are willing to share, to arc yourself into a yielding pattern, uncovered and available, is an advance that opens you yourself to your own yielding pattern of creative resonation.

"If you make an effort to begin, then it is easy, because there is no effort", again from "The Fragile Language".

Be sweet to yourself, by being sweet to others. This develops an "overly". This "overly" applies to all things.

To be able to change something from one thing to another, you much be "overly"; overly sweet, overly creative, overly focused, over attentive, overly caring.

The "overly" moves you from a sense of what was to a sense of what will be.

If you weren't an artist, and you wish to be one, be "overly" and artist, if you want to be a writer, be "overly" a writer, if you want something, "overly" want it. Inside the feeling of "overly", is the willingness to be something new.

We over-lap our lives with the "overlies", in order to safe-guard the entire picture, in this we are able to move all that is needed. Expansion can happen, rather than contraction, and what is new is given life within us.

As artists, we create patterns that map the way through the limitation of contract, and come out in the light of compassionate expansion.

Be willing to signal the change by expressing willingness be "overly". Look into the eye of what is being given, participate "overly", and you will surprise yourself living more deeply in an excited sense of light.

Hope this day finds you giving your "overly" excited self time to express its light, in an over-lapped way of safe-guarded prespective.


Unknown said...

If I tip "overly" I am moving myself forward...hmmmm...momentum from those toys that waddle down an incline with nothing else to propel them...


Clarity said...



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